PCT Day 27

Acton KOA to Hiker Heaven

10.2 miles

Mile 454.5

The grassy field I’d pitched on provided a soft bed which treated me to a sound night of sleep. The nearby train and highway noise was muted thanks to my ear plugs.

Spikes and Mike got an early start, but KP, Stretch and I were in no hurry to leave. KP was waiting on a pair of shoes that would hopefully arrive by noon, so we spent our morning lounging in the grass.

Once the convenience store opened at 9, I dined on donuts and free coffee. It was only 10 miles to Agua Dulce, so there was no reason to rush.

Shortly after ten I hit the trail, leaving Stretch to wait with KP for his shoes. I felt great, so I tackled the casual 10 miles in under three hours without stopping.

The day started with rolling hills, blowing winds and the perfect temperature.

Going through this tunnel sorta freaked me out…

Safely on the other side of the free way, I made my way through a rock garden packed with neat formations on my way into Vasquez Rock Natural Area Park.

This prominent rock formation was nicknamed “Kirk’s Rock”due to being featured on several Star Trek episodes, each time representing a deferent planet.

Pretty cool huh!

It turns out quite a few movies were shot at this location.

Leaving the rock park, I enjoyed my final mile into town.

My first stop was the local grocer, Sweetwater Farms, to grab a five day resupply.

I ran into a guy I had met day 1, and hadn’t seen since day 3. It’s always fun when that happens, so I took some time to catch up before heading in.

Once inside I found what I needed and checked out. Resupplying is becoming easier and easier. I always get the same crap, so there’s not much thinking involved.

After paying, I went out front to organize and pack my glorious food.

Halfway through packing Mike, Spikes, Ron and Dodo walked up. They had just come from Hiker Heaven to also do their resupply. They let me know Mrs. Saufley would be making a trip to ferry hikers to Hiker Heaven in about an hour.

With some time to kill I crossed the street to grab a beer at the Sweetwater Bar and Grill.

It was s neat spot with friendly staff. The bartender gave me the lowdown on the IPA I was enjoying. It hailed from the nearby town of Lancaster from Bravery Brewery. Founded by R. Lee Ermey, the Sergeant in Full Metal Jacket, who coincidentally passed away yesterday. Kinda weird…but I gotta say, he crafted some killer brew!

I paid my tab and crossed the street to wait with my fellow hikers for our ride to arrive. Stretch rolled up shortly after. KP was still waiting on his shoes in Acton.

Before long Mrs. Saufley pulled up in an old Ford truck and we hoped in.

She pulled up to her estate and took us into her backyard where she introduced us to Country Gold, who volunteers on her and her husband’s property. Country Gold gave Stretch and I a quick tour. The place was incredible! There was a tent with computers and charging ports, laundry, showers, a guest house that the hikers used as a hangout, 5 dogs and a dude walking around handing out donuts.


I had done laundry the previous night at the KOA, so I didn’t feel dirty enough yet to justify the waste of water. I did however take a glorious shower. They had all kinds of body wash, shampoo and conditioner for my pleasure. I topped it all off with a clean shave.

The tenting area.

The commodes.

The main house on the left, guest house on the right with two sleeping yurts.

Country Golds awesome van.

Loaner clothes and towels.

Outdoor shower and DIY haircut station.

Feeling like a million bucks, I joined Stretch, Mike, Spikes, Spicy (Korean dude), and two other hikers who’s named I forget on a trip back into town for dinner. KP was waiting for us there. We hit up yet another Mexican food joint called Casa Bonita where I ordered yet another margarita and fajitas.

Spicy had us all dying of laughter at one point when he told us how he enjoys putting hot sauce on his protein bars. I guess I’ll have to try it. We also had the pleasure of meeting his sweet wife when she FaceTimed him from Korea.

At 730 Mrs. Saufley took us back to her lovely estate where I spent the rest of the night watching Planet Earth 2 in the guest house while playing poker with other hikers.

This is certainly a special place run by incredibly generous and loving people. The Saufleys are an absolutely wonderful family who give everything they have to the hiking community. I can’t say enough good things about them and Hiker Heaven, so you’ll just have to get on the trail to come visit yourself!

This is the wonderful Mrs. Saufley and Country Gold!

P.s. During today’s hike I did some thinking and decided what I’ll do once I finish the trail! I’m going to sleep on it to be certain…so I’ll fill y’all in on it tomorrow.


16 thoughts on “PCT Day 27”

  1. Wow, what a day you all had. Great people welcoming hikers and loving it. Amazing and I look forward to each day’s tales. Keep them coming. Enjoy it all. Hugs

  2. Morning dose of binge reading your latest posts. Feel like I’m there with ya. Impressed by how well you’re holding up through over 400 miles…WOW! Makes me wanna go on a hike 🙂

    • Woot! Glad to help feed the binge! The miles are just melting away at this point…might need to slow down! Get out here and hike with us for a day😜

  3. Food question! how does the Parmesan cheese and summer sausage hold up? do you pick at them over the five days or finish it quickly once opened. I’m always looking for new things that wont spoil on trial esp in the heat. Enjoying your hikes each day while at my desk!

    • Howdy Wade! The parm holds up real well. It’ll sweat a bit on a hot day, but still tastes delicious! The summer sausage will last forever! Once opened I keep them in the same ziplock and pick at em a bit each day. Cheers!

  4. Hi Austin – this is KP’s mom – I can’t tell you much we’re enjoying your posts and following you all on your journey. Your pictures are spectacular and your writing brings us the opportunity to travel along with you. And we love seeing Scott in pictures! He sends lots of scenic pictures which are beautiful but seeing scott and you guys makes it more real and more fun! We look forward to reading your posts daily and have shared your website with many friends and family. Keep up the great journal and journey! And thank you for taking us along!

    • Hi KP’s Mom! So glad you’re enjoying following along! Thanks for the kind words. It’s been an absolute pleasure hiking with your son. Cheers!

      • Thank you for the reply! I’m currently on the hunt for a good pack, and this may have jumped to the top of my list. You guys are making awesome progress, I really look forward to reading your updates and seeing how the trail is shaping up this year. And living vicariously through you and your trail family lol.

  5. I am amazed you can survive on your snack spread. It certainly makes shopping efficient. I studied the layout on your table and noticed the Jim Beam is missing.

    How is Diva?

    I know you don’t follow a rigid schedule, but with the Sierras down the trail, do you have a milestone (date) in mind for mile 1,000 or another checkpoint goal?

    • Howdy Roger!

      What Jim Beam 😜

      I haven’t heard from Diva today, but as of last night he was feeling a bit better. Hoping he can join us soon!

      Let’s see, I’ve got about 550 miles until 1000, so that should take me around 30 days…so probably around mid May.


  6. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s news.
    The Saulfleys will surely have a higher place in heaven. What good kind generous folks😇
    Where is Diva?
    Lv u G

    • Diva is resting up in a nearby town. We’re rooting for him and hoping he can join us soon. Love you!

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