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PCT Day 28

Hiker Heaven to Casa de Luna

23.7 miles

Mile 478.2

The resident rooster woke me up just before sunrise. Peeking out from my tent I saw chickens pecking at this and that among the tents. It was just pass 6 and time to get moving. After packing up I spent some time chatting with Spicy. He told me about his three children working in California and his wife back home in Korea. He’s a funny dude!

KP and Stretch went into town to resupply, something I had done the previous day. Spikes and Mike were planning on hiking out as well, while most of the other hikers were taking a zero. I decided to get an early start so that I’d reach Casa de Luna before nightfall.

After thanking Mrs. Saufley and Country Gold for their hospitality, I set out alone to make the mile road walk back to the trail.

It was a beautiful day. I felt recharged and in high spirits as I made my way down the road. I’ve met so many good people and seen so many great places in the last month.

When I rejoined the PCT, the road walk continued for a couple of miles. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, but having chugged three liters of water before leaving Hiker Heaven, I had to pee…bad! It was a busy road, so I didn’t feel comfortable doing my business on the side. About to pop, I finally found two garbage cans to shimmy behind as I relieved myself.

Eventually the asphalt road turned into a dirt road, and then it became a trail once again. The day started with a nice ascent into green rolling hills.

I saw this strange looking creature.

Then I captured a horny road.

After releasing my new friend, I pushed on to Bear Spring.

While resting, Mike walked up, and soon after a hiker named Compass from Minnesota joined us. We all chatted for a bit before I set off to finish the 15 miles left.

I passed this nice water cache, but had plenty so I didn’t stop.

This bench was far to inviting to pass up, so I enjoyed the shade for a few minutes while reading the Leona Divide 50 ultra race times.

The final three miles to the road that would lead me to Green Valley came quick and easy.

When I reached the road I threw out my thumb to grab a hitch. Luck was on my side, as the first car stopped for me. It was a chill dude just getting off work. He dropped me off at the convenience store where I grabbed a Vitamin Water, peanuts and a six pack.

After a short walk through a neat neighborhood I was the first of our clan to arrive at Casa de Luna.

There were a few lady hikers out front, but they were preoccupied and weren’t much help, so I opened the front door to peep inside. That’s when I met Mrs. Anderson. I definitely woke her from a nap, but after rubbing the sleep from her eyes she gave me a massive hug as a warm welcome.

After meeting a few hikers there named Lady Bruce, Caveman and Little Italy, Mike rolled up and the two of us headed into the backyard to look for some real estate for our tents. The backyard was nuts, a path lead through a forest of twisted trees and painted rocks with camping spots dispersed throughout.

It was a strange place, but cool as hell. After pitching my tent I headed back out front to see what’s good.

While chatting with some of the hikers, Mrs. Anderson hollered at me to help her out in the kitchen. She set me up over a burner with a massive pot of beans to stir, while she simmered a pot of nacho cheese.

Beans and cheese heated, we set the table out front with all the fixings for a mean taco salad. About that time Spikes and Swift rolled up with giant milkshakes. Before getting started, Mrs. Anderson explained the rules…basically just don’t hold your plate over the food.

I immediately forgot her only rule, and as a result received a slap on the ass from her yardstick. Lesson learned, I finished loading my plate with chips, beans, cheese, cabbage, jalapeños, sour cream and sriracha.

It was delicious, so like you do, I got another plate. Around that time Stretch and KP joined the party. Bellies slammed, we spent the rest of the evening enjoying conversations and laughs.

Later into the night Mrs. Anderson started bumping some funky tunes. The deal went like this…lay down some freaky dance moves to earn yourself a 2018 PCT class bandana. A jig later I had scored my bandana!

It was a fun night with good people. Having the whole crew together felt right. Swift, the newest addition is a 17 year old from Seattle who hikes in a Yugio button down…pretty dang gangster!

Anyways…sorry for the late post…we’ve been doing bigger days and i enjoy chatting people up rather than looking at my phone.

P.s. I’ll be south bounding the AT this year after I finish the PCT. Clearly a lot can happen between then and now, but that’s my plan.


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