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PCT Day 34

Tehachapi to Bushcamp

25.1 miles

Mile 583.2

I woke up around 6 to hop in the shower attempting unsuccessfully to rinse the exhaustion from my body. Feeling only marginally more awake, Spikes and I headed downstairs to feed on the continental breakfast. Soon enough Mike and Swift joined us.

A plate of eggs later we were back in the room packing up. Between a full food bag and 4 liters of water for the 25 mile carry, my pack felt like a overstuffed sack of potatoes.

Spikes had made arrangements with a local trail angel named Dave the night before to shuttle us back to the trail. He greeted us warmly in the hotel lobby at 8. We threw our packs in the bed of his truck before hopping in and then we were off.

KP and Stretch wanted to take another zero day, but I was itching to get back on the trail, so goodbyes were said. After walking with these duders for almost 500 miles if felt wrong to leave them, but I have a feeling I’ll see them again before long.

Swift and Mike had to wait for the post office to open, so planned on catching up with Spikes and I down the trail. Just like that, the group disintegrated.

The short ride to the trailhead was filled with conversation as Spikes and I learned about Dave’s life. He was a super nice dude, giving us each a big ole hug before driving off.

Beginning where we had left off two days prior, the morning views consisted of windmills, Joshua trees and wildflowers.

Eight miles later we reach Highway 53 where we found a well stocked water cache. Spikes scored a Powerade from the stash as well.

While resting at the cache I checked my map for the next water source and was surprised to find it only 10 miles away. In an effort to minimize the weight in my pack I dumped a liter of water, knowing that 2 liters was plenty for 10 miles.

The next few miles of trail were rather dull. We suffered a bit of a road walk before the trail began again.

It was midday when we began our ascent. An inconsistent breeze offered little comfort during the toasty climb.

The terrain changed as I reached the top of the climb, trading desert for green hills covered in new growth.

The trail eventually spit us out on a dirt road that we’d walk for the next 4 miles. The next 90 minutes pretty much sucked, as the roads grade was steep and sloppy. Certainly not created with hikers in mind.

I was thankful when the trail resumed, but hurting on water. I had read my map wrong when at the water cache, the 10 miles was more like 17…really wish I hadn’t abandoned that liter of water.

Just after 5 I arrived at the spring thirsty as hell where I found Swift waiting. Turns out his ride dropped him off at Highway 53, rather than back 8 miles where we had begun. I had to roast him just a bit for yellow blazing.

While filling my bottles at the spring Spokes arrived, followed closely by Mike. We decided it was a fine spot to camp for the night, so I threw up my tent and began collecting wood for a small fire.

The four of us were accompanied by hikers I had just met, Pirate, Echo and Sinclair. The group of us spent the rest of the evening huddled around the fire enjoying nature’s tv with our dinners.


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