PCT Day 35

Bushcamp to Landers Meadow Campground

25.7 miles

Mile 608.9

My sleep was interrupted at 1:30 when two hikers walked into camp and lit up my tent with their headlamps. Unable to fall back asleep, I used the time to take care of some chores.

First, I ordered the bear canister and microspikes I’d need for the Sierras from REI to be sent ahead to Kennedy Meadows.

Next, I sent instructions to my dad for the shipping of four resupply boxes, one also going to Kennedy Meadows.

Last, I shot my Grandad a text to have a new pair of trail runners sent to Kennedy Meadows. It’s nuts how fast the trail shreds tread from my shoes, so I try to stay on top of it. I’m super thankful of my grandparents support in the shoes department! Thanks guys!!!

Feeling productive, I fell back asleep until the sun forced me up around 6. While packing I noticed one of the straps on my pack had failed. Frustrated that after 600 miles my pack was already falling apart, I tied it best I could before sending Zpacks an email to see what could be done. Hopefully their customer service isn’t as light as their gear…

I set out from camp last, but feeling particularly spry, I moved quick and caught the pack in short time.

It was a beautiful morning in the mountains. With the Sierras around the corner, the landscape is beginning to reflect its close proximity.

Hiking alone while jamming to tunes, I crushed the first 18 miles to Robin Spring where I found a nice group of hikers taking their lunch breaks.

Lady Bruce, who I met at Casa de Luna, was among the group. I figured I’d see her soon, as I’ve been passing her artwork along the trail for the last few days. She likes to draw wieners in the sand…it’s kind of her thing.

Anyways, I spent a good hour hanging out with my fellow hikers before cranking out the final 7 miles to camp.

Along the way I passed the 600 mile marker! Woot!!!

I made it to the campground just before 5, and was the first of my crew to arrive, but they arrived shortly after. I found a flat spot near a fire pit to setup shop before heading to the nearby stream to fill my bottles and wash my hiking clothes.

Returning from the spring we discovered a baby mouse! The thing was pretty dang cute.

We also discovered a handle of tequila…it was about 4/5ths full. Any rational person in any normal circumstance would certainly not drink this mystery bottle…well, we drank it. All of it.

Huddled around the excellent fire I constructed, Lady Bruce, Sea Biscuit, Swift, Spikes, Mike and I passed the bottle like a fantasy football snake draft.

Before long the mystery tequila had done its job. We took turns telling epic poop stories while Swift tried unsuccessfully to fart on the fire.

Oh and then Lady Bruce yacked all over Swift’s feet…so that was funny!

Just before hiker midnight (9) I put the fire to bed, before doing the same to myself.

In reflection, it was a most excellent day with an unexpected ending. I’ve found that keeping an open mind, a can do attitude and especially low standards can take you places you places you never imagined.


3 thoughts on “PCT Day 35”

  1. Austin about when do you expect to be around donner pass area? Maybe we can try to plan a little somethin…truckee is my second home!

    • Hmmm hard to say because I’m not sure what my mileage will look like in the Sierras…but super rough estimate would be about 25 days. When I get closer I can give you a better idea! Would be great to meet up!

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