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PCT Day 37

Bushcamp to Lake Isabella

16.4 miles

Mile 651.3

My alarm buzzed me awake at 5. We planned to start early so that we’d maximize our time in Lake Isabella that evening. Swift never did make it to camp last night, but around midnight two hikers walked by who I presume were he and Echo.

Resenting the idea of abandoning my tent while still dark, I fiddled with my gear a bit before getting up. Having completed the last of my chores that were possible to perform in my shelter, I crawled out to find a rock to enjoy the sunrise from.

When I returned to finish packing up, Spikes and Mike were already heading out. I set out shortly after 6 with 2 liters of water for the 17 mile stretch to Walker Pass, where we’d hitch into town from.

I didn’t see Sea Biscuit before leaving, but I figured I’d see him later that day.

The first hour of trail was decorated by the rising sun. It made for some epic views.

Before long I ran into Swift, who was still bundled up in his quilt. I hollered at him, but left him alone since he didn’t respond. He had a late night…

The trail wound down the opposite side of the mountain we had climbed the previous evening. Eventually the canopy opened up reveling a valley surrounded by green rolling hills.

The easy trail, colorful mountains and cooler weather made for a much nicer experience than the day before.

A few hours into the hike while fiddling with my phone Mike popped out of nowhere from behind me. Confused on how I had leap frogged him, he explained that he’d taken a short side trail to a cabin in search of a water source when he’d stumbled on a group of men cooking a gourmet breakfast. I found myself quite envious to learn they had shared it with him!

I consoled myself by day dreaming of the burger and beer I’d have in town just a few hours away. Together, Mike and I blew through the final miles, reaching Walker Pass Campground around 1130.

We arrived to find a Spikes and Echo drinking beer at a picnic table. They tossed me a PBR which I drank greedily. Apparently a some kind person had left us trail magic.

Sea Biscuit arrived shortly after. We waited for Swift to catch up, but after 30 minutes decided to just meet up with him in town.

We walked down to the road and scored a hitch within minutes. I hopped into the front seat and began to chat him up. I asked him what he did, to which he responded that he shoots horses…whaaa???

Unsure how to response, I instantly regretted climbing into this dudes truck. After a awkward moment of silence I repeated, “you shoot horses?” To which he replied, “noooo I SHOE horses.”

Relief swept over me as we laughed about the confusion. Turns out Jason is a ferrier who travels all over shoeing people horses. He was a neat dude, and ended up joining us at Shadys Bar and Grill in Lake Isabella for a beer.

The burger I ordered at Shadys was terrific. It boasted a 3/4ths lb patty, bacon, onions and sautéed mushrooms with melty Swiss cheese. Yum!

Full for the moment, we said goodbye to Jason and walked down the street to resupply at Family Dollar and Vons. Swift met us there. I didn’t need much, as we were only two days away from Kennedy Meadows and I still had loads of food from my previous resupply. I did grab a pint of Ben & Jerries The Tonight Doe and a six pack of Hop Stupid by Lagunitas for later…

After paying for our groceries we loitered out front of Vons like a bunch a derelicts for a trail angel named April to pick us up at 4.

With some time to kill, I ran down the street to grab a foot long from Subway. I’d been craving Subway for some time now, so had schemed to pack one out for tomorrow’s dinner.

When I returned Spikes, Mike, Swift and Critter were already crammed inside April’s SUV. I apologized for holding them up before hopping onto Mike’s lap. A short drive later we arrived at April’s house where she gave us a lowdown of what she could offer.

Swift started a load of laundry while I hopped in the shower. An hour later we were all clean and relaxing on her porch entertaining ourselves with conversation. Sea Biscuit, Gandalf and Echo had also arrived.

For dinner we went into town for some Mexican food where I demolished a plate of fajitas and a Corona. After eating, we cruised around town a bit. We tried sneaking Swift into a bar…but his baby face deceived him so we were promptly asked to leave.

Bar plan foiled, we caught a ride with April back to her place where we spent the rest of the night eating ice cream, drinking beer and chatting before claiming a spot on her carpet to crash.

It felt terrific to be clean and full, but as always, I’m stoked to get back on trail tomorrow!


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