PCT Day 40

Kennedy Meadows Zero

0 miles

Mile 700.5

I wanted to sleep in, but my internal clock had other ideas. I waited impatiently with the other hikers on a bench out front of Grumpys for them to open.

Around 8 we were let in to help ourselves to the coffee while waiting for our hiker breakfasts to be served. The epic breakfast consisted of eggs, bacon and potatoes, with all you can eat pancakes. The pancakes were massive…

After breakfast I started a load of laundry before hopping into Scott’s (owner of Grumpys) truck to be ferried over to the General Store. I had three packages sent there, a resupply box, new shoes and a box from REI. Thankfully all three boxes had been safely delivered, but having to pay $6 per box was a bit irritating.

Back at Grumpys I tore into my boxes.

The bear canister and microspikes I’d received from REI would be needed for the next 400ish miles of trail. It sucks adding weight to my pack, but it is what it is. Hopefully the reduced water carries will help offset some of the added ounces.

I’m glad to have new shoes before heading into the Sierras, as tread on my current pair is hurting.

Next, Swift, Mike, Spikes and I walked across the street to check out Triple Crown Outfitters. Yogi and Worldwide, both Triple Crowners with an incredible amount of experience between the two of them, opened a gear shop in their private residence this year.

The store was well stocked with pretty much anything a hiker may need before hitting the Sierras.

I picked up a contractor bag to be used as a water proof pack liner, a 3×7 sheet of Tyvek to use as a ground sheet when cowboy camping, a roll of TP (I finally finished the roll I started in Campo with) and the smaller Bear Vault 450 canister. I decided the larger 500 version I’d ordered from REI was bigger than what I needed, so I’d return it.

When checking out Yogi informed me that she’d need to deliver my purchase to Grumpys across the street. She’s licensed as a distributor, so must abide by certain regulations to keep things legal.

A few minutes after returning to the bar Yogi was there with my package in hand.

After organizing my new gear and resupply food, I pulled my clothes from the drying line before asking Scott if he could ship my bear can back to REI. He instructed me to ask Yogi at the outfitters for help, since he only had priority shipping boxes that wouldn’t fit the large canister.

Back at Yogi’s place she offered to ship it, but after shipping costs and a fee she adds on, the net of my return was dismal. On a whim, I offered to sell it to her for what she pays wholesale, to which she agreed. I lost some money on the transaction, but was glad to have a simple resolution.

Chores done, the rest of the day was dedicated to eating and drinking. I split a pizza with Diva while chatting with a group of hikers at the bar.

Around 4 Spike’s parents pulled up to Grumpy’s parking lot. They drove down from San Francisco to hangout with her for the night. It was great meeting them, along with Spike’s dog Fella. Her dad Tim hooked us up with a bottle of his home brewed North Eastern IPA. I haven’t tried it yet…but am certainly looking forward to it!

I spent the rest of the evening chatting with hikers at the bar. Yogi and Worldwide joined us for a few rounds, sharing incredible stories of their adventures. I split another pizza with Diva, along with a side of chili cheese fries. I topped off the meal with a caramel chocolate milkshake.

Absolutely stuffed, I passed out in my tent around 7. Another solid night of sleep should leave me feeling healed and strong for the Sierras to come.


7 thoughts on “PCT Day 40”

  1. So glad all’s well. Your grandfather was concerned your shoes would not make it but they did.
    We will be in London tomorrow for a bit. Will get lowdown on Hadrian’s wall😏
    Seems to be a popular walk as do Scottish walks🚶🏾‍♂️ Lv u G

  2. Hi Austin!
    Glad you got the boxes & wondering, do you have to hang the bear canister? And have you heard of others ahead of you on the trail regarding the amount of snow? Interesting to see the amount of tread worn.

  3. why did you opt for the smaller bear can? how many days between resupply are you anticipating? I like the BV450 size vs. the 500.

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