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PCT Day 58

Mammoth Zero Day #2

0 miles

Mile 903.4

I woke up delighted to find my body felt much improved from the previous day. The calories and rest had done the trick!

After a shower and a cup of shitty Motel 6 coffee, Spikes, Mike and I walked over to The Breakfast Club for some grub. It had a neat diner atmosphere to it, as all the greatest breakfast joints have, and the service was quick and friendly.

I ordered an omelette with spinach, mushrooms, onions, feta and ham, a croissant, hash browns, coffee and a Bloody Mary.

The food was terrific, but the Bloody Mary was not…

After paying the bill, Spikes and I walked down the street to Action Clinic, where we both had appointments. Spikes was getting her leg checked out. She’s been struggling with shin splint type pains and massively swollen ankles, and I wanted to have my toe inspected. The whole experience was rather odd, as the clinic was inside the Vons pharmacy and we met with the doctor via Skype. Neither of us learned anything helpful, but at least the doc didn’t seem too worried.

After that we poked around in a neat bookstore before walking over to Dominos to grab some pies for lunch.

We bought two medium pizzas and an order of cinnamon bread twists to bring back to the motel. Rather than walk the mile back, we tried out the free trolley system that we’d heard so much about.

It was a fun experience. The driver poked fun at us for bringing pizza onto the trolley without sharing.

Back in the room Spikes whipped up a fantastic salad with ingredients she’d picked up from Vons, which we enjoyed with our pizza while watching the new season of Westworld on my phone. Episode one was totally nuts!

Around 5pm we walked over to Black Doubt Brewery to try their selection of craft brews before hitting the the cinema. It was a super rad nano brewery. I ended up getting a flight of four of their IPAs.

The Habanero IPA was my favorite, but all four were delicious. I followed my flight up with a glass of their Peanut Butter Porter with cinnamon on nitro. It was fantastic…all it needed was a scoop of chocolate ice cream! YUM!

We closed out and headed across the street to the theatre to buy our tickets for Deadpool 2. I grabbed some popcorn and a soda before finding our seats.

The movie was terrific! Ryan Renolds is the man. I think it definitively lived up to the hype of the first one.

After the movie we tried grabbing milkshakes at Carl’s Junior, but to our horror they were already closed! Saddened but still determined, we tried the froyo place a couple blocks down, which was also closed! What the heck! Apparently 9pm on a Friday is too late for cold treats in Mammoth. Bummed, we swung by the Rite Aid where I picked up a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, it would have to do!

Back in the room I slammed the pint while watching Final Destination before slowly slipping into sleep.

Another successful zero day I’d say! Shout out to blog follower Leslie Barker for footing the bill for our beers tonight, you rock!


P.s. and here’s my toe…

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