PCT Day 63

Tuolomne Meadows to Bushcamp

20 miles

Mile 961.7

I woke around 5:30am happy to find the rain had ended and the clouds had vanished. Spikes and I packed up our damp gear before setting out to explore Yosemite Valley via the PCT.

It was a beautiful day. Everything was green and alive from the recent rain as we trekked through a highly trafficked trail. I found the signs along the way rather interesting, so thought I’d share.

As the day continued, water was everywhere, both on the trail and off it. I passed some incredible waterfalls and was thankful for the multitude of bridges saving me from the treacherous river crossings.

Around 11am I found a good spot to dry out my wet gear. I spent an hour munching on snacks while catching up on my journaling. By noon I was moving again, but with a full belly and a dry pack.

While walking through this meadow a random bubbling spring caught my attention. Water was bubbling straight up out of it onto the middle of the trail. Pretty neat!

I continued for a bit on nice flat trail through multiple meadows.

Eventually the trail began to slant upward until snow found its way onto the trail once again.

Just before beginning my descent I ran into Spikes. We crossed a couple rivers together before I jammed ahead.

The final mountain for the day was painful. The climb up wasn’t too bad, but navigating the snow covered top and slippery descent wasn’t fun.

The highlight was running into two hikers I had met over a month ago on San Jacinto named Campfire and Hummingbird. They’d skipped ahead and we’re heading south towards Mammoth.

It took longer than I would have liked, but finally I reached the valley below the mountain where a rather large river blocked my progress. I found a decent place to cross, but ended up slipping on a rock and soaking myself.

I made camp near the river so I could see Spikes when she when she crossed. There was already a nice fire pit and stack of wood, so I had a fire going by the time she arrived. We enjoyed our first camp fire in days as we dried our wet clothes and slammed dinner huddled around its warmth.

P.s. This song popped up on my playlist and has become my theme song for the California section of trail. I’ve fallen in love with this beautiful state. It’s mountains, rivers, lakes, springs, people and towns have been absolutely incredible. Just thought I’d share it with y’all!


16 thoughts on “PCT Day 63”

  1. Oh Austin the song with your pics almost made me weep it was so beautiful. Definitely your theme for this part of journey. It says it all. John Denver kind of feel.
    Lv u G
    ps toe ✔️

  2. Overwhelming pics and blog… almost like being there👍 I love the realistic photo oh Spikes and camping gear drying out & staying warm by the fire 🔥 Can’t wait to read your book😍😘

  3. “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man” ~ Heraclitus 544 b.c.

    In your case, substitute ‘falls in’ instead of ‘steps in’. Haha

    Not knowing Spikes, I used to think highly of her but not anymore. After seeing her shredded legs I am moving her up to uber level! She has more grit and tenacity than most people I know. #impressed

    Carry on

    • Hi Beth, Spikes and I usually don’t hike together during the day. We both keep different paces and enjoy hiking on our own, but we always camp together. Cheers!

  4. Just good to see someone that doesn’t mind hiking alone. You don’t let it stop you. I’m looking to do the same!

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