PCT Day 69

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

22.7 miles

Mile 1053.2

I woke up around 4:30 dying for a drink, so I sacked up and left my tent in search of water. Luckily I found a stream just down trail from our campsite to fill my bottle at before retreating to the warmth of my shelter.

Now wide awake, I spent the next hour journaling before packing up and hitting the trail around 6:30. Spikes left half an hour earlier, so I’d probably see her in a couple hours.

The trail was in pretty decent shape, there was some snow of course, but nothing worth complaining over. I made good time and caught up to Spikes around 8.

I continued on up over a mountain before zigzagging my way into the valley below. The skies were mostly blue, but the wind began picking up which often is indicative of a coming storm…fingers crossed.

Around 10 I took a short break before heading up and over a small mountain.

My next ascent brought me to the saddle above Nobel Lake. The views were incredible from the saddle. Ten out of ten.

The wind was really moving now, so I hauled ass down the other side of the mountain into the sheltered valley below.

There was a bit of lost wandering until I found the trail again. While switchbacking my way down I ran into Mike. Turns out he had left Bridgeport just an hour before us the previous day.

Together we made our way up and over Ebbitts Pass.

Shortly after passing mile 1050 the terrain changed drastically and the snow almost disappeared!

There were neat rock formations as we made our way through a meadow. Other than the annoying wind, it had turned into a gorgeous day.

A few miles later I arrived at the campsite Spikes and I had agreed to meet at that morning, so I said farewell to Mike before setting up camp. It was only 4, so after pitching my tent I built a fire ring and started an epic fire. I burned my puffy for the millionth time while kindling it, nothing a little duct tape couldn’t repair!

I journaled for a bit, trying to wait for Spikes before tearing into my dinner, but after a couple hours I gave up. Around 8 the wind became so terrible it forced me to seek shelter in my tent.

Sleep was hard to find between the beating of the wind and my concern over Spikes whereabouts. Today was a relatively easy day on trail, but this is the first time Spikes hadn’t shown up…


9 thoughts on “PCT Day 69”

  1. What a gorgeous section of the trail.

    Now you’re gonna keep all of us worried about her. Hopefully she showed up late and all was ok.

  2. Isn’t duct tape the best thing ever invented. Spikes has been found?
    Did you ever get another pole?
    Have a good weekend😘 Lv u G

  3. Glad you found Spikes. Cant imagine what would have happened if you didn’t. Nice that you are kind of hiking together. She seems like a strong hiker.

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