PCT Day 70

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

23.4 miles

Mile 1076.6

I finally started moving around 6. Rather than sleep, I’d spent the night tossing and turning, afraid the terrible wind might carry me away like kite wrapped in my tent.

Spikes never made it to camp last night. We’d previously agreed to wait until 8 for the other person to arrive if this were to ever occur, so I hoped she’d arrive any minute.

While heading searching to find a nice spot to take care of my morning business, I noticed a fresh pair of Altra Lonepeak footprints leading off up the trail…it had to be Spikes! I was flooded with relief knowing she had simply missed my campsite and was somewhere up trail doing her thing.

Feeling invigorated by my discovery, I quickly packed up and set out to find Spikes.

Within a few miles I came across a note on trail Spikes had left me. Good, she can’t be far…

I pushed on, able to move quickly on the dry snowless trail as it zigzagged it’s way up and over mountains.

Just after 9 I turned a corner to see Spikes making her way up a climb! Woot! After catching each other up on our last 24 hours, we agreed to meet at Carson Pass that night before I jammed on.

From there the trail continued to be kind, so progress was fast. I put in ten before ten (10 miles before 10 o’clock), something I hadn’t accomplished since entering the Sierra.

Much of the day was spent walking along a series of ridge line, providing me rad views while I walked.

During this climb the wind was so dang intense that I nearly flew off!

I took a break at the top, sheltered from the wind by a large boulder, to upload a blog. Weirdly enough I had phone signal, so might as well take advantage!

The final push over Carson Pass took some effort, as it was still covered in snow, but before long I was cruising down the backside towards the Carson Pass Information Center where I’d wait for Spikes.

When I arrived at the center just past 4 it was closed. Bummed, I sat my pack on a nearby bench to wait when two ladies approached from the parking lot inquiring whether I was a PCT hiker. It turns out they ran the station and insisted on opening back up so they could give me some food…I guess I looked hungry.

Julie and Patt were incredibly nice! They gave me enough food for ten hikers before taking my picture and saying goodbye.

While enjoying my new apple on a bench in front of the center a couple approached to ask whether there were any food marts nearby…obviously I had no idea. After telling them I’d just hiked in on the PCT, Gorge, who was super enthusiastic about my adventure, called over the rest of his family for a picture.

I enjoyed chatting with them for a bit before they headed off. I spent the next hour eating hard boiled eggs and tangerines while journaling as I waited on Spikes.

She arrived around 6, beat from the long day. After chatting for a bit she decided to have her friend Maddie, who lives in South Lake Tahoe, pick her up that night from Carson Pass rather than hike down to Echo Lake with me the next day.

We said our goodbyes before I wandered down trail to find a flat spot to cowboy camp for the night. It had gotten quite cold, so I crawled into my quilt wearing all my layers in a failed attempt to keep warm.

As the night grew increasingly cold, sleep was illusive, but the thought of the delicious town food and warm bed I’d have the following day comforted me throughout the night.


11 thoughts on “PCT Day 70”

  1. Yea. She was lost but now she’s found.
    Imagine finding hard boiled eggs and tangerines on the PCT. Only you Austin🤗
    Lv u G

  2. Glad to hear that Spikes is okay! As usual, thanks for the great writing and even better pictures! Keep up the great work!

  3. You are doing a great job with this blog! Though I live many states away in another mountain range I am all about the Sierra and am really enjoying getting to hike vicariously through these blog nuggets you are sharing. I have hiked the JMT, HST, and other trails between Lassen, Yosemite & south of Whitney only in summer and fall so it’s a real treat to see your pics of these places so dear to me now cloaked in snow. Congrats on your opportunity to be out there on this grand adventure, and thanks for sharing it with us!

    • Howdy Flash!

      Thanks for the great feedback! It’s been an incredible adventure so far, and still have a long way to go. The snow has been gorgeous, but I’m dying to see the trail in summer. Already planning the JMT for next September! Thanks for following along!


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