PCT Day 74

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

28.2 miles

Mile 1140.8

I woke up around 5:30 feeling prime from an awesome night of sleep. Spikes and I decided on a campsite before she headed out around 6. Thirty minutes later I was in pursuit.

It was a beautiful morning, there wasn’t a flake of snow on the ground and the temperature was perfect, so progress was quick and enjoyable.

The trail winded up and down a few hills as I exited the Desolation Wilderness, wandering through random forest lands for a few miles before arriving at the Barker Pass trailhead where I made use of a picnic table for a snack stop.

As I began to climb snow fields began popping up here and there, but nothing too bad.

Around here I finally caught up with Spikes. She snuck a few pics of me in action…

From the top of the mountain we stopped for a bit to soak in the excellent views of Lake Tahoe.

There was a fair amount of snow on the descent, but it didn’t last long.

Shortly after reaching the bottom the trail began to climb once again.

At the top I passed into Granite Chief Wilderness where I followed a scenic mountain ridge dotted with wildflowers.

The views just kept getting better…

The trail skirted a ski boundary for some time, before switchbacking its way back down the mountain.

When the trail reached the bottom it flattened out for a mile, before beginning the final and toughest climb of the day.

I rested for a few minutes at the top of the climb, before wading my way through snow back down the mountain to our campsite.

When I reached the place Spikes and I had agreed to meet I was less than impressed with its campability, but tired legs and a rumbling stomach talked me into stopping. I setup my bed before pulling out my phone to dig into an Ebook as I waited for Spikes.

An hour or so later she arrived! While filling up my trail mix bag I spilt a good amount, but not wanting to waste any, I picked it up from among he dirt and rock. During our dinner feast I ended up chewing on an extra crunchy almond for a bit before realizing it was a rock…whoops.

My main course consisted of a Knorrs taco salad rice side with sriracha peanut butter and sweet and spicy tuna mixed in. Yum!

By 8 we were both wrapped up in our sleeping quilts as we fell asleep


8 thoughts on “PCT Day 74”

  1. Agree with comment sights just keep getting better. Not so sure about sriracha pb🤔
    Can’t quite get a fix on what that tastes like😯
    Noticed you set up bed in sunny flat spot before Spikes arrived. 🙄
    Lv u G

  2. Incredible photos of today’s hike! Thanks for taking us along🙏 Loved it and I’m going to try the peanut butter and tuna recipe😍

  3. Oh, man. Everyday the sights are breathtaking. I can only imagine how it all looks in person. You’re going to prompt me to do a thru-hike! I’ve already decided to attempt to get in the WA sections this year between my WA Top 100 summits. Keep on rocking!

    • Thanks man! Make it happen, it’s worth the time/money commitment. Enjoy Washington! Cheers!

  4. It’s been great following your progress!

    I’d love to hear an update about how you’re enjoying the various pieces of gear you have with you. What’s working? What is less than ideal?

    • Hey Calvin, thanks for following! Honestly, I love my entire setup and would recommend all of it. If you’ve got specific questions I’d be happy to answer them. Cheers!

  5. A weird question or two – how long did you soak your Knorr and secondly, how much liquid did you use? The amount recommended on the package or more or less?

    Thanks for sharing your adventures.

    • Hi Rick! I usually let it soak an hour or so before digging in. I like to add water 3 miles from where I’m camping so it’s ready to go when I arrive! I use a Talenti jar to soak. After adding the pasta I’ll fill it with water about half an inch from the top.


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