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PCT Day 74

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

28.2 miles

Mile 1140.8

I woke up around 5:30 feeling prime from an awesome night of sleep. Spikes and I decided on a campsite before she headed out around 6. Thirty minutes later I was in pursuit.

It was a beautiful morning, there wasn’t a flake of snow on the ground and the temperature was perfect, so progress was quick and enjoyable.

The trail winded up and down a few hills as I exited the Desolation Wilderness, wandering through random forest lands for a few miles before arriving at the Barker Pass trailhead where I made use of a picnic table for a snack stop.

As I began to climb snow fields began popping up here and there, but nothing too bad.

Around here I finally caught up with Spikes. She snuck a few pics of me in action…

From the top of the mountain we stopped for a bit to soak in the excellent views of Lake Tahoe.

There was a fair amount of snow on the descent, but it didn’t last long.

Shortly after reaching the bottom the trail began to climb once again.

At the top I passed into Granite Chief Wilderness where I followed a scenic mountain ridge dotted with wildflowers.

The views just kept getting better…

The trail skirted a ski boundary for some time, before switchbacking its way back down the mountain.

When the trail reached the bottom it flattened out for a mile, before beginning the final and toughest climb of the day.

I rested for a few minutes at the top of the climb, before wading my way through snow back down the mountain to our campsite.

When I reached the place Spikes and I had agreed to meet I was less than impressed with its campability, but tired legs and a rumbling stomach talked me into stopping. I setup my bed before pulling out my phone to dig into an Ebook as I waited for Spikes.

An hour or so later she arrived! While filling up my trail mix bag I spilt a good amount, but not wanting to waste any, I picked it up from among he dirt and rock. During our dinner feast I ended up chewing on an extra crunchy almond for a bit before realizing it was a rock…whoops.

My main course consisted of a Knorrs taco salad rice side with sriracha peanut butter and sweet and spicy tuna mixed in. Yum!

By 8 we were both wrapped up in our sleeping quilts as we fell asleep


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