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PCT Day 76

Bushcamp to Sierra City

28.4 miles (1.5 off trail miles)

Mile 1195.4

I woke up around 4 to a rather chilly morning. Spikes and I had planned on getting an extra early start today, but the frigid breeze made waiting until sunrise sound like a better plan.

Spikes finally got moving around 5:30, while I lingered for a bit. About an hour later I was on the move.

The day started with some snow as I made my way down the mountain we’d camped on. Within an hour I was back on dry ground, climbing the first of two mountains I’d need to ascend.

I made quick work of both climbs, and enjoyed the short ridge walk atop the second mountain.

Around 10 I ran into a hiker named Erik who was heading south from Sierra City. This was just his third day on trail, so he hadn’t received a trail name yet. He told me he recognized me from my blog, so I guess I’m famous now…

After parting ways I trucked on, heading downhill through a dense forest for sometime.

Once the trail flattened out a bit I pulled out my phone and began reading comments people had left on the deli in the Sierra Country Store I was heading to. By the time I’d finished I was practically drooling, and knew exactly what I would order. A gutbuster 1 lb burger with fries and a large chocolate malt. Only 15 more miles…

While day dreaming of my ever nearing feast, I ran into two section hikers named So Far and So Good. The friendly couple had thru hiked the PCT in 2016, and we’re back to enjoy it some more.

We chatted for a bit before I pushed on, failing at my attempt to catch up with Spikes.

I passed the Jackson Reservoir as I began a short ascent that was followed by a long descent that brought me below 5000 ft for the first time in a while.

From there the trail flattened out as I walked through an almost jungle like forest alongside a creek. There were loads of blow downs blocking the trail, so if you’ve got some free time and have a cross cut saw lying around, grab it and come wack those suckers!

Towards the end of the hike I saw this neat structure…

Before long I reached Interstate 49, and a short road walk later I arrived at the Sierra Country Store to find Spikes polishing off her milkshake. While chatting with her I met Guardian, the thru hiker who had signed the register at Donner Ski Ranch just before me. Like us, he had braved the snow bound Sierra.

After I finished catching up with Spikes, I headed inside to order my lunch. Knocking out 28 miles by 3pm had me hungry as hell. While waiting for my food I grabbed our resupply boxes from the back.

One of my boxes contained the new pair of shoes I sorely needed. The Sierra absolutely destroyed my current pair. Thanks Gram and Grandad!

My old pair had lasted me just under 500 miles, which seems to be the average for Altra Lonepeaks.

The second box was the resupply I’d packed months ago.

While digging through my resupply box the food I’d ordered arrived. Slaughter, the thru hiker I was chatting with had to be put on hold as I demolished the burger.

After eating, I walked down the street to find Spikes and I a room. Th first place I checked out had super creepy vibes, so I opted for the much nicer Harrington Resorts. Once I booked the room, I collected Spikes at the store and we headed over together to check in.

The place was perfect. After showering and laundering our clothes in the sink, we cruised over to their restaurant for an epic meal.

Spikes ordered the tenderloin, and I got the honey dipped fried half chicken…so bomb.

Bellies full, we retired to our room for some shut eye. Oh, and Spikes found a frog chilling in our bathroom, so that was cool I guess…

P.s. Sorry for the backlog of posts! I haven’t had much signal since leaving Tahoe…


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