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PCT Day 81

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

19.5 miles

Mile 1334.8

We woke up around 4, and were on the trail by 5. After a half mile walk we reached a junction where we took a side trail to grab some water. It’s strange having to search for water again after having walked in it for a month while in the Sierra, but I’m not complaining!

From there I made my way through dense forest as the trail ascended for an hour or so.

Spikes was out in front, as I was moving slower than usual, despite the 35 mile day ahead of us.

Around 10 I reach the halfway marker, where I signed into the register behind just a handful of other names. Being the competitive person that I am, it feels good to be leading this years pack!

Continuing on, the trail wandered onto private land for a bit before crossing Highway 36. Had we been going into the town of Chester, this would have been where we hitched from.

Trail angels had left some water and notes near the trailhead, which is always nice to see!

A mile or so on I ran into Spikes, who wasn’t feeling super about hiking another 17 miles…After talking it over, we decided to throw out our original plans in favor of celebrating our accomplishment of making it halfway to Canada in town! Plus, we heard Swift was there, so we had to see him!

We backtracked to the highway and scored a quick hitch into Chester. Our first stop was the post office, where we both mailed home over 4 lbs worth of gear! I ditched my trekking poles, sleeping socks, pants, fleece and sitting pad.

If you’re wondering about the trekking poles, I’ve gotten to the point where I prefer hiking without them. I find my stride smoother, balance improved and foot placement more accurate without them. I definitely still need them for the snow, but we shouldn’t be seeing much more of that! Oh, and I do use them for my tent, but we cowboy camp most nights, so I figure I can make do with branches when I need to pitch it.

After the post office we walked over to the Pizza Factory, an all you can eat pizza joint for only 9 bucks! While getting fat on various types of pies, Mike and Swift walked in!

It was great catching up with Swift, whom Spikes and I hadn’t seen for over a month! A bit later Mike and Swift headed back out to crush some miles, while Spikes and I went to the mini mart to crush some milkshakes.

Our last stop before hitching back to the trail was Subway, where we grabbed a couple subs for dinner. Chores done, we got a ride from a local fireman named John on his way home from a day of fishing.

Back on trail by 5, we hiked a few miles in to an awesome campground near a small pond. After setting up shop, we dug into our subs while watching the fire I built to ward off mosquitos slowly burn.

I was pretty jealous of Spikes’ highly fashionable mosquito pants…

Once the food had been digested, we hit the hay, eager for a solid night of sleep to help us bang out tomorrows miles.

P.s. Thanks for hooking Spikes and I up Alexis! Your support has been almost as incredible as your lessons! Best high school English teacher ever!


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