PCT Day 89

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

31.1 miles

Mile 1545.9

I woke up every hour or so to reflate my limp sleeping pad. The massive hole I patched must be leaking…dang. I gave up on sleep and began packing just past 4. By 5 Spikes and I were on our way up the trail.

We enjoyed a colorful sunrise as we made our way up an exposed ridge.

We spent our morning hiking up and down random mountains through green forest, with Mount Shasta looming in the distance.

While Spikes and I relaxed at a spring, a pack of dogs joined us for a drink.

From there, I had a hiking buddy for a bit, as I made my way up another climb.

At the top of the ascent, the trail meandered along a ridge above a inviting looking lake.

We decided to take a short spur trail to Deadfalls Lake, where I hopped in to wash off the layer of filth I’d accumulated over the past few days.

It was cold as hell, but worth the refreshing feeling it left me with.

After drying off we hiked the final 7 miles to our campsite for the evening.

As we arrived at our campsite dark clouds began to form above us. We threw up our tents just in time before the deluge.

We ate dinner from the shelter of our tents, bummed to be trapped inside by the rain. Despite the undesirable conditions, sleep came quick.


4 thoughts on “PCT Day 89”

  1. Your phone camera takes great pictures! They are so clear and crisp. Sad about your mattress 🙁

    Can I send a new one to the next po box along the way?

    • Hi Lois! Glad you dig the photos! At some point I’ll upgrade to a real camera…but for now I’m happy with my phone pics!

      Aww you don’t need to do that! I’m going to call REI today to see what they can do…I haven’t had it for that long so I’m hoping they’ll replace it. Thanks!

  2. For whatever reason most of your pics did not come through. First time that ever happened. You must find a solution to a sleeping pad. Need a good nights sleep to keep up your pace. You’re 10 inches on my map. Yea.🤗 Lv u G

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