PCT Day 91

Bushcamp to Etna

20.6 miles

Mile 1599.7

I woke up around 4:30, excited to get into town for some real food and a bed. Spikes and I were on our way an hour later just in time for an epic sunrise of violent colors.

The 20 miles between us and Etna consisted of a roller coaster ride of steep ups and downs, but we moved quick with the promise of town food on our minds.

We traded the Trinity Alps Wilderness for the Russian Wilderness, which covers a large portion of the high crested Salmon Mountains, composed of granite and metamorphic rock.

We walked through an eerily black forest, scared from a burn some years back.

We passed a few thru hikers on our way down to Sawyer Bar Road, where we hoped to score a hitch into the small town of Etna.

When we arrived at the road, a school bus had just deposited a large group of kids toting massive backpacks about to embark on a weekend adventure.

We sat by the road for almost an hour before securing a ride into town.

After our hitch dropped us off in the middle of town, we made our way over to Paystreak Brewery for a beer and a couple appetizers.

While eating we were disappointed to find that all the motels in town had been booked…we were lucky to find two beds at the Hiker Hut, a local hostel.

Next, we swung by the post office where I grabbed the water bottle shoulder pouch I’d ordered for Spikes from Justin’s UL Etsy shop. Check out his products here, they rock!

Leaving the post office, we checked in at the hostel, showered and started a load of laundry before heading back downtown for more food. The hostel had some loaner clothes for us to wear while our hiking clothes were in the wash, so that was nice!

We cruised over to the Etna Brewery for burgers and beer, feeling fly in our random loaner clothes.

After eating, we stopped by Ray’s Food Place to pickup our resupply before heading back to the hostel to organize our food.

An hour or so later our chores were complete, and we were feeling hungry again, so we headed out once again to check out Denny’s Distillery and Eatery.

The place was packed, so we grabbed seats at the bar. Our bartender Drew was awesome. We went with his food and drink recommendations, and oh boy it was good!

Totally stuffed, we payed the bill before rolling ourselves back to the hostel. Absolutely exhausted, sleep came quick in the comfy bed.

P.s. Thanks Sam for footing our beer tab tonight! I’m just thrilled about your move to Portland, and can’t wait to hear all about it.


5 thoughts on “PCT Day 91”

  1. You couldn’t have rounded out the last 0.3 miles to make it a slick 1600 miles?! ๐Ÿ˜œ

    The pictures in today’s post were particularly beautiful. Oregon soon(ish) as well!

    Hopefully the situation is resolved very soon

    • Haha I reallllly wanted to…

      Glad you liked the pics, itโ€™s gorgeous out here.

      Called REI today, new pad will be waiting in Ashland!

  2. Great sunrise and like Russian Wilderness. Kinda like Romania and Count Dracula country. My those burgers look good. How come all these little oasis have such awesome things to eat?
    Lv u G

  3. I live in Etna; for a town with a population of 750, we have some pretty good eats. Thank you to you and Spikes for supporting almost all of them!!! ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿบ ๐Ÿบ ๐Ÿบ

    • Hi Sally! We loved Etna! And I agree…everywhere we ate was terrific, and everyone we met was so kind. Cheers!

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