Bennett Road Campground to Taumarunui
15.8 miles
Mile 641.0
I got an early start, anxious to bust out the easy miles to town.
The miles to town were all on roads, but it was easy and fast walking, so no complaints here.
When I rolled into town I swung by the post office first to pick up the box my dad had mailed me. It’s contents consisted of two pairs of brand spanking new Ultra Lonepeak 4.0, two pairs of Darn Tough socks and a new water filter. It was all sorely needed, so I was stoked it had arrived.
After mailing one of the pair of shoes ahead, I headed to my motel to check in and drop off my box before hitting the grocery store for a resupply.
On my way back to the motel I got myself a tasty chicken salad for dinner.
I spent the rest of the afternoon taking care a various chores. I successfully booked a canoe for the upcoming Whanganui river section, so I’m pumped for that!
P.s. Huge shout out to my grandad for sponsoring my latest pair of shoes, and for my dad for shipping them across the world to me. Thanks guys!