Te Araroa – Day 37

Queen Charlotte Tavern to Bushcamp

29.3 miles

Mile 1124.2

I woke to find another tent near mine. Someone must have crept in during the night. Anyways, I was on my way before whomever was sleeping inside stirred.

From the tavern I endured a 7 mile road walk over a windy hill overlooking a lake.

Around 10:00 PM I reached the town of Havelock, where I met two American hikers in a cafe before heading over to the Four Square to pickup a resupply. I bought way more food than I thought I’d need since I was about to enter the Richmond Range, which I’d heard was quite strenuous and slow going, especially if caught in a storm, so I decided to play it safe.

Heading out of town, I passed two hikers waiting on a hitch as I made my way down the highway, eventually turning off onto a gravel road that led me to a farm track.

After about an hour on the farm track I enjoyed a brief trail through the forest before joining another dusty road for the remainder of the day.

Shortly after reaching the Pelorus River Trail, I found some flat ground to call home for the night.
