Te Araroa – Day 8

Farmcamp to Bushcamp

31.4 miles

Mile 208.7

After some coffee with fresh milk from the farm, I thanked the couple for their accommodation before heading back to the road.

I had a 6 mile road walk before reaching a coastal picnic area where I stopped briefly to enjoy the view.

From there, I began a steep ascent into the forest.

The trail brought me up and down through both dense vegetation and open farmland with ocean views.

I was grateful when I discovered this water tank setup by one of the local farmers.

The last and toughest section was the Moreport Track. It started off easy, but about 2 miles in became a rollercoaster of endless steep grades.

When I rejoined the coast line I crossed the Whananaki Estuary on a long wooden bridge.

From there I continued on a dirt road for a bit before joining the a coastal track.

By 7:00 PM I reached the small town of Matapouri. I’d planned on stopping there for the night, but found the only campground completely full with car campers. Frustrated, I continued on.

About two hours later I found a suitable place to stealth camp for the night in the forest between Matapouri and Ngunguru.


2 thoughts on “Te Araroa – Day 8”

  1. Austin,
    Enjoying your New Zealand journey and so different from the PCT. It seems a very gentle, relaxing journey; not as wild as the Pacific crest. The scenery reminds me of my favorite English counties of Devon and Cornwall.
    Beautiful in the sunshine, but lots of mud in the rain.

    Despite all the paved/rough roads, it seems quite remote. I see very few people about, are you making contact with the natives.
    I heard New Zealand closes at 7.00 pm, is that still the case?

    Take care,


    • Hey John,

      It’s quite different than the PCT, but I’m enjoying it just as much. The scenery throughout the day changes so much.

      I meet locals almost everyday. Everyone has been friendly. I haven’t noticed things closing that early…but I’m usually asleep by then so who knows!


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