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Te Araroa – Day 8

Farmcamp to Bushcamp

31.4 miles

Mile 208.7

After some coffee with fresh milk from the farm, I thanked the couple for their accommodation before heading back to the road.

I had a 6 mile road walk before reaching a coastal picnic area where I stopped briefly to enjoy the view.

From there, I began a steep ascent into the forest.

The trail brought me up and down through both dense vegetation and open farmland with ocean views.

I was grateful when I discovered this water tank setup by one of the local farmers.

The last and toughest section was the Moreport Track. It started off easy, but about 2 miles in became a rollercoaster of endless steep grades.

When I rejoined the coast line I crossed the Whananaki Estuary on a long wooden bridge.

From there I continued on a dirt road for a bit before joining the a coastal track.

By 7:00 PM I reached the small town of Matapouri. I’d planned on stopping there for the night, but found the only campground completely full with car campers. Frustrated, I continued on.

About two hours later I found a suitable place to stealth camp for the night in the forest between Matapouri and Ngunguru.


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