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Te Araroa – Day 9

Bushcamp to The Green Bus Stop

31.8 miles

Mile 239.6

I got an earlier start than normal, since I’m not sure it’s legal to camp where I did. A bit last 6:00 AM I left the dirt road for the Matapouri Bush Track.

It took about an hour to make my way through the dark and densely vegetated trail.

When I exited the forest I stopped at the dirt road to brush the cobwebs and leaves from my shirt only to find this sweet stick bug hitching a ride on my pack.

From there I swung by Tane Moana, a giant Kauri tree, before walking the remaining 3 miles into town.

When I arrived in Ngunguru I popped in a small grocery store to grab some snacks before heading another mile to the Ngunguru River.

Here the Te Araroa hikers cross the large river with the help of local named James. I’d texted him in the morning that I’d be there around 10:00 AM, and sure enough he showed up shortly after I arrived.

When we reached the other side of the river he gave me some invaluable information about the trail ahead of me. The official route crosses the Horahora River in just a few miles, but since I was there at high tide, I’d have to wait most of the day for low tide to come around. The other option was to take a 12 mile road walk detour around the river. Even though I’d have to walk nearly 4 times as far by taking the road detour, I’d still get there faster than if I waited for low tide, so I decided to take the detour.

I walked along a dirt road for a bit, before joining an overgrown forest track that eventually led me to a paved road that took me back to the trail.

I rejoined the trail at Pataua South road, passing a boat ramp and crossing over a bridge.

From there, I continued down the road for another 5 miles before reaching the Kauri Mountain Track.

The hike through the forest was brief and easy going, bringing me to another dirt road.

A few miles later I reached the ocean, walking along its shoreline until arriving at Ocean Beach.

From there I traversed the Bream Head Track around a coastal mountain, arriving at my accommodation for the night around 8:00 PM, The Green Bus Stop.

I met the owner, Terry, on his porch. We chatted over a ginger beer before walking down to his garden and campground. The place was incredible, with an outdoor kitchen, hot shower, bathroom and laundry, all to myself.

Once I’d setup camp, I whipped up some fried eggs with the eggs Terry had given me, and for dessert I had the slice of carrot cake Terry’s wife had given me. All this for only $10…it was a terrific way to end a long day!


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