PCT Day 129

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

30.6 miles

Mile 2652.6

I woke up early, jammed to crush the final miles to the northern terminus. By 5, Spikes and I were plodding our way along a scenic ridge as the sun slowly greeted us.

Shortly after starting we entered the Pasayten Wilderness, the final wilderness of our northbound adventure.

The trail maintained its relatively high elevation ridge walk as we closed in on the terminus.

Around noon we ran into Swift, Seadog and Cucumber relaxing in the shade. Spikes and I joined them for a bit, before descending a pair of janky skree paved switchbacks.

Switchbacks conquered, we’d completed our final climb, it’s all downhill to Canada from here!

I spent the final miles reflecting over the ups and downs, wild places and incredible people I encountered over the past four months. Above all I thought of Spikes, and how our relationship had evolved over the past 2200 miles.

While chatting with her we turned a corner to find the northern terminus monument staring back at us. Honestly, it was rather anticlimactic as we tagged the northern counterpart to the southern monument we’d left over four months prior.

It wasn’t until I sat staring at the trail register in my lap that the full magnitude of our accomplishment struck me. We did it!

Pictures taken, we walked .3 miles into Canada where we found a nice campground to spend our final night together. Tomorrow we’d head into Manning Park, where Spikes’ parents would pick her up and I’d turn around to begin the second chapter of my adventure, alone. It was a bittersweet end to an incredible journey, where I found my better half.

P.s. Love you Paige!


40 thoughts on “PCT Day 129”

  1. Congratulations!!! Awesome accomplishment and thanks for letting me ride along. Recovering from severe plantar fasciitis so I am living vicariously thru you both. Best of luck on the south route. Paige is a cutie with a great smile!! Congratulations again!!

  2. I have enjoyed your journey, your pictures and stories. Happy to hear you found yourself in love with Paige. She is a doll. I will continue to follow you on your southbound journey.

  3. Hearts pass campground how ironic life is.
    Congratulation to both of you special spirits.
    See you in the fall be safe walk tall chin up my friend, may the wind be at your heals….

  4. Very nice write up, I had a similar feeling of disbelief when I arrived at the northern terminus.

  5. Congratulations to both of you! Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I have so enjoyed reading your blog following along on your journey. I wish you and Paige the best of luck. I’m really looking forward to continuing to follow your journey SOBO.

  6. Wow! My daily routine of checking your blog has been disrupted by your lack of wifi in your final stages, so it was a total surprise when this morning I found numerous new updates. I have been binge reading over breakfast. Wow! Am I mistaken some of the most dramatic scenery of the PCT is in Northern Washington. Austin and Paige you have inspired me to visit that area at some point.
    I know you are under a deadline to get to Canada but those last few days looked really tough, the PCT does not make it easy.

    I will add more comments later, as I know you have a few more stories to go.
    Just a Note:
    Spikes full name is Paige Corbett Topole – what does that spell? PCT – she was born to do this – I blame the parents.

    Congratulations to you both, what an adventure!

    • Thanks John! It was an incredible trip north, looking forward to seeing it all again in reverse! Cheers!

  7. Austin (and Paige), an amazing journey comes to an end, or is it a beginning. I hope you remember every summit, valley, IPA, and all the laughs you shared on the trail.

    Congratulations! 🎉

    I look forward to reading about all the SoBo experiences.

    Be well.

  8. Austin,
    I have been following your journey since you entered the Sierra. A big congrats on your accomplishment and best of luck on your SOBO return.

    PS If I happen to be in the Sierra when you make your way though I would be honored to buy you a meal.

    • Hi Bill! Thanks for following along and for the good wishes! Maybe I’ll see you in the Sierra!

  9. Right on Austin! Congrats to you and Paige, and thanks for taking me along on the journey!
    I’ll be sticking with you as you return to Mexico. Speaking of which, when going south I heard it’s pretty much all downhill.

  10. Congratulations for making it to Canada. There’s still your SoBo leg and I’m looking forward to reading about it. I know Spikes and you are going to go places. Sharing an incredible journey over these past months has given you both experiences that only you can relate to and it grows a relationship. Congratulations!

    I’ll be reading your entries on your southern leg and when you get down in the So Cal range I’ll see what I can do to help. A celebration will need to be had once you’re back in Campo.

  11. Congratulations for this huge challenge and achievement. I will be a Dutch participant of the PCT2019. I’ve read your last stories. However, I’ll start reading them from the beginning! It motivates me like hell! 😉

  12. Congratulations again to both of you.

    Its been awesome to watch, inspiring and beautiful. I hope you keep up the log for the return journey as I am keen to see how you view it and any differences you feel going SOBO.


  13. Dude, you guys are an inspiration. I’ve enjoyed every photo, every comment, and every IPA with you while following your travels on the map. Congratulations on completing the first leg of your journey. You did it! I look forward to following your SOBO leg. Even though Spikes isn’t hiking south with you, a lot of us are. Keep it coming and crush it, man!

    • Thanks Crisco! I’ve had a blast out here. Everyday is a new adventure. Thanks for following along and the great support! Cheers!

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