PCT Day 149

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

38.4 miles

SoBo mile 555.7

Total mileage 3308.3

The wind picked up throughout the night. We’d camped in a burn area, so every time the wind woke me I was a bit worried about falling branches. Fortunately, no branches fell, and by 5 Airborne and I were making our way through the dark burnt forest.

Six miles in we took a quick snack break at Wahtum Lake.

Pushing on, we cranked out quick miles thanks to relatively flat trail and perfect weather. Maintaining a 4mph pace for a few hours at a time can really get you places.

The trail continued along a scenic ridge line before plunging into forest.

Around noon we enter Mt. Hood Wilderness, where things got tough.

The final ten miles to Timberline Lodge consisted of some brutal switchbacks up and down around the base of Mt. Hood.

A bit before 7 I rolled into camp, pumped for a massive dinner. It would had been nice to get a few more miles in, as I need to be in Ashland in 10 day to meet Paige, but the 11,000 ft of elevation slowed us down today. I’ll make it in time, but I’ll have to skip breakfast at Timberline Lodge, again…oh well.


4 thoughts on “PCT Day 149”

  1. Looks like Paige wins out over food as it should be 🙃
    Keep on trucking. You’ve gone from 18” to 16”yea!
    Lv u G

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