PCT Day 208

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

34.0 miles

Sobo mile 2611.1

Total mileage 5263.1

I woke up at 3am to find five or six spiders creeping around the inside my tent. The zippers on my tent failed about a month ago, so the mesh lining door is always wide open, I’m no stranger to finding guests in my tent, but these spiders freaked me out!

Anyways, by 3:30am I was cruising up the trail spider free, and pumped to see Paige. She was driving up from San Diego to hangout with me for a bit at the Pioneer Mail Picnic Area.

I made great time chugging along in the dark through rolling desert foothills, catching an epic sunrise as I began my ascent towards Mount Laguna.

As the climb continued the day began warming up, and combined with the completely exposed trail made for a toasty experience.

At 11:30am I arrived at the picnic area to find Paige waiting for me with a cooler stuffed with icy beverages, water melon and frozen mango! She knows how trail magic is done! Shortly after joining her, Jay also arrived. Jay has been following my progress through the blog, and wanted to join in on the trail magic. He contributed a cooler full of tasty IPAs, a bag full of Snickers and great company.

All this magic and only one hiker would have a travesty, but luckily two more hikers, Salty and Juju, walked up and joined the party! For the next hour the five of us enjoyed beer, snacks and conversation. It was an awesome to spend my last full day on trail. Unfortunately, I was having such a good time I completely forgot to take pictures…so you’ll just have to use your imagination.

By 1pm it was time for me to move on. I only had 12 miles more to hike until reaching Mount Laguna, but I wanted to leave time for me to grab dinner at the tavern there.

After saying goodbye to everyone I pushed on. The chaparral lined trail continued at a steady easy uphill grade.

I ran into two section hikers, Steve and Ramah, who I talked to briefly. Steve recognized me from my blog, and wished me best of luck on my final leg.

During the last few miles before reaching Mount Laguna the flora quickly changed from desert bush to evergreens and deciduous trees with colorful fall leaves.

When I reached Pine Tavern I ran in and ordered the blackened burger and garden salad to go. I milked a Space Dust IPA by Elysian Brewing at the bar while waiting. Once my grub was ready I headed to the campground, but found it absolutely packed, so decided to get back on trail to find real estate elsewhere.

A mile later I found a suitable spot. I threw up my tent before digging into the delicious meal I’d packed out. Both the burger and salad were outstanding, making for a solid last trail meal. Just as the sun dipped below the horizon I crawled into my tent for my final night on trail.

P.s. Paige and Jay, thank you SO much for making the drive up to hangout today. You guys made my last full day extra special!

P.p.s. Hey Barb! Thanks for the beer and food you bought me last week at Paradise Cafe! It was incredible!


26 thoughts on “PCT Day 208”

  1. Austin
    Congrats on completing your yo-yo trip of the PCT. As I am writing this you are finishing up your final day on trail and just wanted to say thank you for bringing myself and all your readers along for the journey . Best of luck to you and Paige in the future.

  2. Thank you Austin for 5263 miles. An experience you will never forget. AND what trail magic you found. I guess she did too 🙃
    Lv u G

  3. Congratulations Austin! It’s been a treat following you these past 8 months Thanks for all the effort you’ve put into your blog so the rest of us can live vicariously through you. I wish you all the best in the next chapters of your life and wherever it may take you!

  4. Thank you Austin for sharing your adventure with me. I am very happy for you and was happy to tag along each morning before I went to work. I am glad the little kitty cat a few days ago let you finish like a lion. Again….thank you.

  5. Awesome to see you on the trail. Recognized you from your blog right off the bat! Brush with greatness! Unfortunately I was too late to see Paige. Have fun with the finish and I look forward to seeing what you’re gonna do next!

  6. Well, you should just about be nearing the end now. Congratulations on achieving this incredible goal and allowing us to come along for the ride. I had a nice chat with your dad last night about your next adventure. I sure hope you’re keeping the blog going and that you’ll share some of that with us too. Awesome job dude. You’re an inspiration. I hope there’s a huge welcoming committee to hike the last few miles with you.

    • Thanks Crisco! It’s been unreal, but I’m glad for the upcoming month of rest before the next adventure. Thanks for following along and the incredible support! Cheers!

  7. Super congrats, Austin! I am a long time friend of Paige’s parents, and wife of a guy who rode his bicycle from sea to shining sea at age 60 in 2011 (and kept an online blog no matter the circumstances). So I had been in the loop about Paige’s plans to hike the PCT and then was informed about your connection and your blog. Count me among those who have been following you, rooting for you, imagining your agony through giardia, and celebrating your fantastic finish. I know you have learned what it takes most of us a lifetime to realize – savor the moments! Cheers to YOU!

    • Hi Barbara! Thanks for the kind words and following along. It’s been an incredible adventure that I’ve been glad to share. Cheers!

  8. It’s great to too see your success on the PTC! You join the ranks with Scott Williamson (x2), Eric D, and Olive McGloin, and now, Austin Davis, on the official PCT Yo-Yo books! Congratulations!

  9. Every year I find a PCT blog to follow and your blog has been an absolute delight. Thank you so much for sharing your trip! Congratulations on your yo-yo!

  10. Congrats Austin! Since I came in late on this whole adventure, I’m trying to read as fast as possible to experience through you, one of my dreams of through hiking either AT or PCT.
    I’ll bug Erik and Karl about you if I lose track of ya.
    I pray your “re-entry” is easier than some I’ve read about. You have lots of support.
    Hope to see you around sometime.

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