PCT Day 209

Bushcamp to Campo

41.5 miles

Sobo mile 2652.6

Total mileage 5305.2

When my wrist watch alarm buzzed me awake at 3am I wasn’t even mad. With a smile I flipped the alarm setting permanently off, glad to know this would be the last time I’d have such an early wake up for the foreseeable future.

I descended Mount Laguna in darkness, and by the time the sun began to rise I was back in the desert.

The overcast sky made for a vibrant sunrise as I plodded my way along a rocky ridge line towards Kitchen Road.

As the morning progressed I passed beneath multiple underpasses before making my way through Boulder Oaks Campground.

When I arrived at Lake Morena I made a quick pit stop to rinse out my filthy shirt in the bathroom sink. My family would be waiting for me at the southern terminus, so I figured I’d at least make an attempt to clean myself up a bit…it didn’t help.

Shortly after leaving the lake I reached Hauser Canyon, where I had my final 1000 ft. climb of the trail.

My phone knew I was getting close…

The remaining 12 miles were pretty much flat, over easy terrain with overcast skies keeping me cool, making the last few hours extra enjoyable.

With less than three miles to go, I began finding these notes on the trail. Definitely feeling the love!

Then I found this Vitamin Water. It was a welcomed sight after having finished the last of my water a couple miles back.

And finally I reached the last mile…

Approaching the terminus I found Paige, my mom and dad along with my sister and her fiancé all cheering me on as I tagged the monument. It was an incredible moment that I was beyond happy to share with them.

Pictures were taken.

Beers were drank.

Hugs were given.

I couldn’t have asked for a better end to my journey. Paige and my family have provided such incredible support over the past seven months, I can’t even begin to thank them enough!

P.s. Thanks for following along and sharing in my adventure. It’s been an incredible experience that wouldn’t of been successful without the overwhelming support you all provided.

Over the next month I’ll be writing trip summaries, gear reviews and many other articles on trail topics I’ve been looking forward to sharing, as well as starting a YouTube channel. Stay tuned for all of that!

What’s next??? On November 30th I’m flying down to South America on a one way ticket for a ten day cruise around Antarctica. After that I’ll remain in Chile to begin a whole new backpacking adventure. I’ll be blogging all of it, so if you enjoyed this journey there’s another one just around the corner.


74 thoughts on “PCT Day 209”

  1. You are R.E.V.E.R.E.D.

    You did it, Austin!

    There was never a doubt from this keyboard. I could surmise early on that you had:

    Grit * Discipline * Perseverance * CompleteCookies

    Bring on the penguins and albatrosses!

    Carry on.

  2. Austin, congrats, awesome photos, great sky shots, especially at sunrise, the 1 mile marker made me smile. So glad you had Paige and family there to greet you, perfect ending. Thank you for taking us along on your journey, you are inspiring, and your journal has been enriching. Looking forward to your gear wrap up, and your next adventure!

  3. Austin, congratulations man! What an achievement!! Inspirational Stuff and truly magnificent determination on your part.
    It’s been a pleasure to follow your incredible adventure. I look forward to the trip summaries. Go get some well deserved rest and plenty of food and sleep now.

  4. Congratulations on this major accomplishment! You doubled your original goal! Wow!!! I can hear Logan saying “You crushed it dude!”. So proud of you Austin!!!!

  5. Congrats Austin!! So proud of you and your epic travels. Thanks for keeping myself and hubby in your back pocket, as we read your travels every day. You truly are a rockstar. Wishing you the best for your future and adventures. All de best!

  6. Amazing accomplishment, Austin! I am a little misty-eyed reading your last PCT journal entry. You can tell your loved ones are so proud of you. 🙂 That picture of you and Paige is just filled with goodness and love.

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I look forward to hearing about your next adventure. But first, enjoy your hard-earned chill and relax time.


  7. Austin, did you ever in your wildest imagination think of how different your life was going to be just 7 months ago?

    I picked up on your positive, upbeat attitude right out of the box. It only became better when you totally lucked out meeting a beauty on the trail.

    I believe your 100+- day hike will be an inspiration to others intrigued by the possibilities. It certainly starts to make the trail more feasible for runners, cyclists & tri-athletes who might be able to squeeze in a 3 month leave. Wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if you gained some interest from those areas.

    Congratulations again, and may I say I thoroughly enjoyed being among your supporters and fan club.

    • Thanks for all the support Hobbes! Seven months ago I wasn’t sure if I’d make it out of Southern California…much less the whole trail twice! It’s been an incredible journey, so glad you’ve followed along. Cheers!

  8. PTL🙏 So thankful for the successful completion of the PCT turn around hike👏 You put a lot if mikes on your pedometer! Congratulations! God is Good❤️


  10. Big time Congratulations to you, super thru hiker extraordinaire Austin Davis. I tip my Viking head to the.. your friend Jason

  11. Congrats. What a nice ending. Loved all the little notes on the trail. Looking forward to your next adventure and all the follow-up. Enjoy this next chapter with Paige.

  12. Congrats on your yoyo! I have been following you since day one and enjoyed seeing you conquer every obstacle!
    Can’t wait to follow you on your next adventure. You have been an inspiration to many!
    Still think your trail name should have been Hemingway 😉
    Congrats to Paige as well

  13. Congratulation on your accomplishment. The adventure was great to follow. Looking forward to your next adventure!

  14. So freakin awesome! I’ve been here since day 1…my kids and I would follow your story and ogle your pics. Thanks for sharing your amazing journey with all of us!

  15. Bed to Desktop computer

    Distance traveled: 3 yards

    Total Yardage: 3 yards X 208 = 624 yards

    Bedside alarm goes off 6.55 am
    I get out of bed.
    Go to the bathroom for a pee – not a bad place to pee, don’t really give it too much thought.

    Turn on computer.
    Open up browser – ‘Not A Bad Place to Pee’ – to check on Austin’s PCT progress.

    Great way to start the day seeing the sights and insights of Sir Austin Davis.

    (He really does deserves a knighthood).

    My day progresses and thoughts of hiking in the wilds and lofty peaks of the Pacific Crest Trail waft through my day. The thoughts of exertion, sweat, panting breath, aches and pains, adventures, incredible sunrises and sunsets and majestic vistas stir my imagination and sometimes prompt me to respond to these ‘out of this world’ experiences.

    I crash around 10.30 pm, sleep fitfully even though no wind, no rain, no nocturnal visitor disturbs my rest.

    Sorry, I have no photos to share but as you know, how can you compete with Austin, Paige and their merry band of fellow trekkers.

    Thank you so much Austin for sharing your adventures – It’s been an adventure for us as well. You really need to write a book of your travels.

    Congratulations Austin for completing the PCT trail north and south. Incredible times and accomplishment.
    Must be great to be back with your family and Paige again – relax, enjoy, don’t move, you deserve a long, long rest.

    • Thanks for the usual awesome comment John! It’s been an incredible trip, so glad I could share it. Cheers!

  16. Congratulations and Thank You for sharing this adventure with us Austin. All that determination and grit stuffed into that 140 lb body is inspiring.

    Solve a mystery for me if you don’t mind. What was your original trail name you did not care for? Again Man, Well Done! Well Done Indeed.

    • Thanks Vince, it’s been one hell of a trip! The first name I was given was Right On…I guess I say that a lot. Cheers!

    • Thanks Jeff! I minored in Mandarin, so China has a special place in my heart…I’ll have to look into that! Cheers!

  17. You made recovering from knee surgery so much more bearable. All ready getting trail ready for next year. And Thank you for reminding me and Im sure a few other people to live life. Take care

  18. You are my hero! Such an inspiration. Thanks for taking us all along for the ride. I’m happy for you and Paige and I know you two will be able to tackle anything that comes your way. Wishing you two the very best. I can’t wait to read about all the great things you will accomplish.

  19. Congratulations Austin on your epic adventure and thank you for sharing it with all of us who won’t experience this first-hand but can live the agony and the ecstasy through you. I’m totally looking forward to your YouTube videos and your South American blog.

  20. Congratulations, Austin, on conquering such a challenge! If what I’ve read on the Internet is correct, you’re only the fourth known hiker to yo-yo the PCT! It’s been fun following your journey!

  21. Austin,

    What an epic journey! Just incredible. As an avid backpacker, I thoroughly enjoyed your blog – looking forward to following your next adventures! The best to you and Paige in the future, you guys have a truly unique bond. So cool.

  22. My aunt and her husband were the ones that picked you up on i5 outside Ashland and gave you a ride into town to the Indian restaurant. I’ve been following you since. It’s been a pleasure. Can’t wait to watch your videos and read more of the blog! Are you going to vlog the Chile trip? Good choice of music by the way! God bless you, hike on!

    • That’s hilarious! They were good people! I chowed down hard at that buffet! Still unsure on what I’ll do in Chile, but I’ll get the word out once I know! Cheers!

  23. Austin! Congrats on such an amazing accomplishment. Enjoy your well deserved rest and fattening up.

    We hope to meet you soon. Let us know if you need any suggestions for adventures in Chile. Paige can fill you in on our time there. Cant wait to see how your next adventure plays out.

    • Thanks Heather! It’s been unreal. I’m looking forward to meeting you as well…Paige had many good things to say! Cheers!

  24. Congrats and hats off Austin. It has been an incredible journey. Great Stories, awesome photos and very inspiring. I’m looking forward to your next adventure down in Chile. I’m curious…. is it a long distance trail as well? I heard that the wind is the most challenging when hiking in Chile. But for now give yourself some rest and care for your battered bones while sipping some IPAs. 😉
    All the best!

    • Thanks Sasquatch! There’s a couple trails I’m looking into in Chile, so we’ll see! For now I’m mostly focused on fattening up!

  25. Congratulations, Austin!!! I have enjoyed every single post, your pictures, and your story. What an awesome story! Congratulations to you and Paige and the start of a new chapter in your life! I am still awestruck by your accomplishment. You and Paige are animals…..I have been hiking my entire life and worked as a National Park Ranger for over 20 years. There are not many people who could hike anywhere close to the level you and Paige did. I am really looking forward to your following your future travels. Enjoy your time back “home” and your upcoming adventure to Antartica. I am super excited for your upcoming blog on your journey through South America! Safe travels.

    All the best,

  26. Congratulations, Austin! It’s been amazing and inspirational to read your journey there and back again. Hiking the PCT one way is an accomplishment in itself, but then you decided to turn around and walk the other way too! With a handful of exceptions, your posts were always upbeat, and the enjoyment you had about the trail showed in your writing and photos. I’m glad that you met Spikes/Paige on the trail; the two of you are great together. I look forward to following your future exploits.

    Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

    Thanks for taking us all along on your journey.

  27. I like what John Smithies said, I’ll just go with that. Please let me know if you are near Mesa. I will drop everything to come to meet you for that IPA. Cheers

  28. Congratulations!
    What an achievement and what an adventure.
    Great work. I am really inspired and will start my PCT next march!

  29. Three things impressed;
    1. you were quick and successful in adopting an ultralight style. More difficult than most can imagine.
    2. 3:00 am discipline? Unheard of!
    3. having the cardio and legs to sustain 33 + miles a day. Must have been all those laps at Hendrix.

    Good on ya.

  30. An enormous congratulations from Washington!! Best of luck in Antarctica and Chile (and beyond)! I look very much forward to following along from the opposite hemisphere while you bask in the Chilean summer.

    What an incredible experience. Thank you so much for sharing every (essentially) step of the way! ♥

  31. CONGRATULATIONS! What an awesome adventure! An adventure of a lifetime!

    They say a photo is worth a thousand words. I would agree and that means your journal is worth millions and millions of words. As with everyone else, I really enjoyed all of your posts. I was tied up last month, so I have spent the last several days catching up on your adventures, not being able to get away from my laptop until I reached the end.

    Like so many others, I don’t know what to do now, that your trip has come to an end. Nothing that I have read so far about hiking the PCT comes close to what you have written. Way to go!

    I plan to hike the PCT in 2019 NOBO so I look forward to your future posts on equipment reviews and pros and cons of NOBO and SOBO.

    Thanks for sharing this special world class feat with us, day by day for the last 7 months. We all appreciate it very much. Keeping up a journal day after day and hiking all of the daily miles that you did is quite a feat in itself as well.

    Best of luck on all of your future adventures. We all look forward to reading about them.

    Take care.

    • Hi Gary,

      Thanks for the great post! I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the adventure and am excited for you to experience it yourself! Let me know if you have any questions as you continue to prepare for your adventure.


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