PCT Day 6

Warner Springs to Mike’s Place

17.3 miles

Mile 126.9

Woke up just around 6 to enjoy a cold mixture of coffee and protein with the sunrise from a picnic table in the corner of the field behind the community center.

Feeling refreshed after a solid dinner the previous night and a sound night of sleep, I packed up my gear and waited for Shane and KP in the hiker lounge where I was able to top off the charge on my phone and portable battery.

Once the boys had woken and packed, we cruised over to the post office to retrieve our first resupply boxes. On arrival I was anxious that for whatever reason my box wouldn’t be there…but sure enough it was.

KP hadn’t bothered sending a box to Warner Springs, as he was planning on getting his three days worth of food needed to make it to Idyllwild at the mini mart. As it turned out, Shane and I had packed WAY too much food, so he successfully resupplied off our extras.

Leaving the post office we headed over to the golf grill to enjoy a hearty breakfast before hitting the trail. I ordered a coffee, two eggs sunny side up and some bacon.

Shane and KP had bigger plans, both ordered the country fried chicken…I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was a bit jealous.

Resupplies packed and breakfast destroyed, we made a quick pit stop at 2 Foot Adventure so KP could pickup a new pack. After that we finally got on trail by noon. We had enjoyed a lazy morning in town, but now we needed to crush about 17 miles.

Our plan was to make it to Mike’s Place. According to the trail notes he’s a trail angel who maintains a water tank and hosts hikers on his property up in the desert mountains.

The day started with meadows, but quickly lead up into the mountains. The landscape changed drastically throughout the day. Every hour we walked through a different environment. It was rad. The whole day was pretty much uphill, but it felt good to get the blood pumping.

The sun began to set as we finished the last few miles along a high ridge. The clouds made for a dramatic scene.

By 7 we finally made it to the junction to Mike’s Place. A quarter mile later we were at his tank filling our bottles.

With the sun quickly setting, we were unsure whether to see if Mike was home or search for a tent spot back on trail. Fortunately our curiosity got the best of us.

Curious signs picketed our route as we approached a cluster of disheveled buildings. Honestly the place gave me the spooks. In the middle of the desert, it felt like a scene from The Hills Have Eyes…I had no idea what to expect.

Turns out Mike wasn’t home…but his buddy Josh was! As we walked up he immediately offered us a beer and invited us to make camp wherever we liked on the property. After establishing camp we found some chairs on his porch to relax on as we shoved calories down throats.

I enjoyed two packets of tuna, a protein cookie, a couple chocolate nuggets, handfuls of GORP and peanut butter pretzels for dinner. All washed down with some cold calorie water (beer).

An excellent way to end an excellent day.

P.s. Each day I wake up with no plan or agenda. I get on the trail to see where it’ll take me. Each day I’m amazed by the places I see, the people I meet and how the trail always provides.


8 thoughts on “PCT Day 6”

  1. Somethin about that narrow little trail through a lucious meadow really gets me! Also the hospitality of your hosts <3. Now looking forward to your posts every day. Hope youre having a great day, Austin!

    • Just binged at Paradise Cafe…a neat spot a mile off the trail. Gotta crush another 18 miles today, then an easy 14 tomorrow into Idyllwikd for a zero day. Can’t wait…

  2. Austin I’m loving all the pics and really feel like I’m there without the blisters :)! Thanks for taking time to do this! Holly misses you! 🐶

  3. Your pics continue to impress. Food seems to be a highlight of the day. Maybe a 5 ✴️ book on top places to eat on PCT could prove interesting 😉🍕🍔🥗🍺
    Lv u gram

  4. So enjoying your adventure! Thank you for so faithfully blogging! What an amazing trip and adventure you have! Stay safe! Keeping you in my prayers! Thank you Lisa for posting these!

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