AZT Day 21 – Mormon Lake

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

33.1 miles

Mile 533.6

By 6:30 AM I was on my way, winding my way through the pines on easy going trail.

An hour later the trail joined a dirt road that became my trail for the rest of the day.

As the day progressed I began passing more and more snow, making the road muddy with its melt.

I was on schedule to arrive at Mormon Lake Village around 4:30 PM. I wanted to get there in time to grab some snacks from the general store, which I thought closed at 5:00 PM. On a whim I called the store to confirm their closing time, only to find they actually closed at 3:00 PM…crap. Karen, the store manager, could tell I was disappointed, and when she discovered I was hiking the AZT she offered to reopen the store once I arrived!

When I rolled into town at 5:00 PM I shot Karen a text and minutes later she arrived to let me into the store. Lucky for me she lives next door…

$20 worth of snacks later I thanked Karen profusely and headed back towards the trail to make camp near Navajo Springs.


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