AZT Day 23 – Flagstaff

Bushcamp to Flagstaff KOA

29.5 miles

Mile 583.7

By 6:00 AM I was on the move, with only 30 miles of flat trail between me and Flagstaff, I was anxious to get there.

I passed a couple small lakes as I made my way north.

The day flew by as I made quick progress over easy trail and scenic terrain.

Around midday I stopped at this wildlife tank to grab some water and rest my feet, before pushing on towards Flagstaff.

On the outskirts of Flagstaff I passed beneath Interstate 40 and the railroad’s underpasses.

As I polished off the last few miles to Highway 89, the wind picked up in a big way. I checked the weather forecast to find snow on the agenda for tomorrow. Good thing I’m taking a zero day tomorrow!

When I reached Highway 89 I hailed an Uber to the Safeway down the road to pickup some goodies for dinner. From there, I Ubered to the Flagstaff KOA where I spent the night. Tomorrow I’ll meet up with my parents in Flagstaff to hangout for the day, so I’m stoked for that!


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