AZT Day 30 – Jacob Lake

North Rim Campground to Jacob Lake Campground

42.4 miles

Mile 761.6

Break Point, Darwin and I set out together at 6:30 AM from the North Rim on Highway 67. The trail was still covered with three feet of snow, so we decided to take the road rather than break trail.

Thankfully the road had just been plowed, otherwise it would had been a brutal day.

We decided we wanted to make it to Jacob Lake Lodge for dinner before they closed at 8:00 PM, so we maintained a killer pace throughout the day.

We took one 30 minute break 21 miles in, before banging out the next 21 miles to the lodge with some Mio snow balls to snack on along the way.

We arrived at 7:00 PM, just in time for a quick dinner. 42 miles in 12 hours on hard paved road just about killed us, but the payoff was sweet…well, kind of…

Our dining experience was rather dismal. The first two beers I ordered were out of stock, as was the trout fillet and steak I tried ordering. I ended up getting a bacon cheeseburger and a side salad, both of which were pretty lame.

Darwin wasn’t too stoked on his grub either, and Break Point actually passed out at the table before he could eat much if his food. Let me expand on that last part…Break Point didn’t fall asleep, he straight up passed out. While sitting at the booth he began feeling queasy, and when he stood up he collapsed like a sack of potatoes. When he regained consciousness he was flushed and sweating. After a couple glasses of water and some time he was back to normal, so we’re not really sure what happened. It was an intense day, so maybe he was dehydrated? Or maybe he shouldn’t have drank that beer on an empty stomach? Or maybe his body was in shock from the big day? No clue…

Anyways, after dinner we cruised across the street to setup shop at the Jacob Lake Campground. We were all pooped, so sleep was a priority.


P.s. Thanks for the support Bob! My completion beer tasted even better since you bought it!

2 thoughts on “AZT Day 30 – Jacob Lake”

  1. Re: FKT – marketing my man, marketing. Visualize three back-back-back 24 hr challenges. You did 72, so three would be the JMT.

    Beside, how you gonna slow down? Other athletes in their prime who get grounded usually do so from external events. A running back injures a knee, a hitter falls below the Mendoza line, etc.

    But you? Just hang it up and walk away? LOL

    • I’d love to keep going, and I will, but it’s time to put the adventures on hold for a bit to restock the bank account. There’s nothing I’d rather do than keep on hiking, but it doesn’t quite pay the bills just yet.

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